"You never know which direction it will come from next. Money could be your new best friend if you entertain it properly."
Hum...Money could be my new best friend? I like that a lot, because right now it seems too elusive to me! I could use money right now, I had a lot of expenses this month that are going to kick my butt later on...I am just in denial right now, that I am ok. I am not panicing because I continue to have a paycheck at least! So I am not on the edge...even though I feel like I am!
And how exactly do I entertain money? Do I take it out for a cheap drink at a nice bar that has free food for cocktail hour? Do I have to take it to a show, maybe the Lion King, I have been wanting to see that...any idea's as to what it takes to entertain money? Will it ask you to do things you are not really willing to do and then dump you on your door step? Maybe tomorrow morning as the sun is rising I will stand out side in a tia chi stance and welcome money into my life, telling it I accept it...come to me! : ) It is worth a try!
"Try not to take everything so seriously, Gypsy. Relax and have fun. You will find that situations you thought would be horrible may actually turn out to be enjoyable. Remember that a big part of success lies in your attitude. If you convince yourself that things will be horrible, they probably will be. You are the only one who can make the decision to be happy. Regardless of how you may think, you always have this control."
Ha this was from another site...this is just too funny. Have "they" (Who ARE they anyway?) been listening to my conversations at home? More often I have heard...you make the "decision to be happy"...and that is one thing that I have learned, it is true. I have chosen to be happy...
Well that is a win...Money and Happiness! : )
I am quite sure that in order to properly entertain money, you must be wearing a pink tutu! :)
Posted by: carolyn | Thursday, June 24, 2004 at 07:20 AM
I need to FIND a pink tutu! When I have some how attracted some money...I will buy a tutu to attract MORE money! : )
Posted by: Gypsy | Thursday, June 24, 2004 at 06:05 PM