Off today...and great why? Because I am sick from the root canal! Sigh I would rather be off for the beach! It was a beautiful day, not too hot but blue skies and there I sat in bed at least looking out the window once in awhile, but my stomach is so upset with all the medications! I just am so sensitive to meds! It is hard to be cheerful when you just don't feel good.
I was able to at least focus my eyes this afternoon and was able to try to catch up with my artist friends, and see what they have been working on and I ordered the new zines that I have been wanting, but forgetting to do...Being overwhelmed it is hard to do the normal things in your life, and I feel that maybe next week I will start to feel more normal again, I hope! At least normal for me!
I can tell that my other furry babies are worried about me...since they haven't seen me much they come right up and just stare at me, have you ever had 6 eyes all staring at you at the same time with little tears in their eyes? I have to encourage them that I am ok, and that they are still loved too, I have been so out of it since Monday, and they know it and miss Hooter too. Even my parrot is getting down close to me and looking at me and then whispers at me. Normally she is loud when she talks, not this week.
What a wonderful to catch sorry to hear about all the depressing things that you are having to deal with right now......know that I love you and that there will be a silver lining....there always is! You are the one that taught me that girlfriend. I must look into this online diary thing as well.....its a wonderful way to share and express yourself. I miss you terribly..... we must stay in touch more often.....after all how many "soul mate twins" do we really have?......... feel better and know that I'm sending great big TEXAS hugs........xoxoxox
Posted by: Glenda | Saturday, June 19, 2004 at 11:09 AM